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Will Dentists Replace Missing Teeth? - And Are All Options Suitable For You?

Updated: May 22

Missing teeth are one of the most common dental problems worldwide. According to the Oral Health Foundation, over 26% of British adults have had at least one natural tooth removed. In addition, the World Health Organization estimates that around 7% of the global population has no natural tooth left in their mouth.

Missing a single natural tooth can significantly affect one’s smile and quality of life. But the good news is that no matter how many teeth one has lost, they can be replaced with a wide range of available options. So, if you also have one or more teeth missing and you’re searching for the best replacement option, this blog is for you. So, read on to learn more about different tooth replacement options so that you can make an informed decision about your treatment.

Do I Need To Replace A Missing Tooth?

Yes, every missing tooth should be replaced as soon as possible. Why? There are several reasons for it.

  1. First, when a tooth is lost, the neighbouring teeth start to slide into the vacant space, creating gaps in some places and misalignment in others.

  2. Secondly, missing teeth create difficulty in eating and speaking.

  3. Furthermore, missing teeth are a cosmetic concern, especially when they are in the front.

  4. Finally, when a tooth is lost, the underlying jawbone degrades rapidly. If the tooth is not replaced timely, there is extensive bone loss, making it weak and prone to fracture.

That is why dentists recommend replacing every missing tooth as soon as possible.

What Is The Effect Of Missing Teeth?

Missing teeth can cause various problems. Some of these are:

  • Functional Issues - missing teeth create difficulty chewing, especially if one of the back teeth is lost.

  • Speech Problems - have you ever noticed a distinct lisping sound in people who have lost one or more teeth? This is because a lost tooth lets the air escape and changes one’s voice and speech.

  • Cosmetic Issues - missing teeth, especially the front ones, can ruin one’s smile and personality.

  • Orthodontic Problems - lost teeth allow the neighbouring teeth to move unnecessarily, creating orthodontic problems.

Which Is Better, A Dental Bridge, Dental Implant, Or A Gap?

When one has lost one or more natural teeth, different courses of action can be undertaken:

  • No Action - this may seem like a simple and cost-effective solution. However, it will do more harm than good in the long run.

  • Dental Bridges - these are a reliable option for replacing missing teeth. However, they have the disadvantage of requiring the sacrifice of natural tooth tissue on both sides of the supporting teeth. Besides, dental bridges have a limited lifespan.

  • Dental Implants - an implant is a titanium-based fixture inserted into the jawbone like natural teeth. In addition, to being robust and safe, dental implants last a lifetime and do not harm the underlying bone tissue. That is why they are the most sought-after tooth replacement worldwide.

So, if you’re looking for the best tooth replacement option, it is undoubtedly dental implants.

Can You Get Dental Implants If You Don't Have Any Teeth?

Dental implants can replace missing teeth if you have lost a single, multiple, or all the teeth in your mouth. If one has lost all their teeth, their dentist will place four implants in each jaw to support a complete fixed bridge. This type of prosthesis is known as an all-on-4 implant-supported fixed bridge, and it is the most reliable and durable replacement option for someone who has lost all their teeth.

Can You Get Dental Implants If Your Gums Are Infected?

When there is underlying gum disease, periodontal inflammation results in accelerated degradation of the jawbone. Hence, placing an implant in a diseased jawbone is bound to fail. Why? Because there is insufficient jawbone available to support the implants firmly. Therefore, dentists do not place dental implants when there is underlying gum disease. Instead, they will first treat the periodontal infection and then initiate the implant placement procedure.

Can Dental Implants Cause Gum Disease?

Gum disease occurs around natural teeth that are suspended in their bony sockets and surrounded by a tissue called the periodontal ligament. When a tooth is lost, the periodontal ligament is also removed with it. Therefore, implant-supported teeth cannot cause gum disease. However, there is a risk of inflamamtion around the soft tissues of the implant. This condition is called peri-implantitis, which can even lead to implant failure if not treated promptly.

Do You Need Healthy Gums For Dental Implants?

Yes, healthy gums are an essential requirement for dental implants. This is because dental implant therapy is bound to fail in the presence of gum disease, as explained earlier. So, if you have gum disease, your dentist will first treat it and then proceed with tooth replacement with dental implants.

Are Dental Implants A Permanent Solution For Tooth Loss?

Dental implants are the next best thing for one’s natural teeth. Besides, they are very robust and long-lasting. Research has shown that dental implants can even last a lifetime if they are looked after properly. So yes, dental implants are a permanent tooth replacement option, provided the treatment is provided by an experienced dentist.

Which Is Better, An Implant Or A Bridge, If You Have Poor Gums?

When one has underlying gum disease, no tooth replacement option will last for a considerable time. Therefore, it is advisable to get one’s gum disease treated and then consider tooth replacement.

If you are looking for the best implant dentist in Golders Green, Deintes Dental is your best option. We have a team of dental professionals trained in providing high-quality dental implant services at affordable rates. So, what are you waiting for? Book an appointment today, and let us give you the smile you have always dreamed of with dental implants.


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